Replace or Repair? Has Winter Damage Finally Gotten the Best of Your Concrete?

Concrete is one of the most durable building materials you can install. However, under the stresses of extreme weather fluctuations, it can be susceptible to damage. Cracking, crumbling, peeling, and spalling frequently show up in the spring. Water penetration, freeze-thaw cycles, and chemical de-icing agents, like salt, all contribute to premature concrete wear. Once you’ve identified damaged concrete, it’s essential to have a professional concrete repair service evaluate the damage. Many types of damage can be repaired at a lower cost than tearing out the existing surfaces, and the repairs can be durable and seamless when handled by the pros.

What are the different methods for repairing cracks in concrete?

One of the most common forms of concrete damage is cracking. The longer a crack is allowed to sit unrepaired, the more water can penetrate it. This water can deteriorate the base, compromise the underlying structure of the concrete, and continue to widen the crack and worsen the problem.

Crack repair methods will vary depending on the crack's existing width, depth, location, and amount of damage. Common crack repair methods include:


There are numerous ways to patch concrete, and they will vary depending on the extent of damage. Methods can range from sealant to removal of the damaged area. Small to moderate cracks are generally repaired using different types of epoxies depending on the structure and conditions they are exposed to. Larger sections are repaired using patching compounds and professional applications to ensure the edges of the patched areas blend seamlessly into the surrounding concrete. This prevents trips and falls and is aesthetically pleasing. Backer rods are sometimes needed under the repair to increase its strength and help bridge the gap between the damaged and intact concrete.


Mudjacking is used to lift and level concrete. After drilling holes in the concrete, a mixture of sand, soil, water, and Portland cement is injected into the hole, raising the concrete and leaving it flat and even. It does not correct cracks or surface damage. Mudjacking is a highly specialized process requiring professional concrete repair services who have experience performing the procedure under various conditions.

What are the benefits of sealing concrete after repairs?

Sealing concrete as part of the concrete repair process offers many benefits and extends the life of your concrete. It coats the concrete and seals the surface, preventing water damage. It helps your concrete resist stains and oil penetration. It also looks fantastic and increases your home’s curb appeal.When should I consider hiring a professional for concrete repair?

You should contact a professional concrete repair service whenever you have concrete damage. It isn’t always easy to determine the extent of the damage on your own, as narrow cracks may be deeper than they appear. Using professional concrete repair services for winter damage repair ensures the correct type of crack repair method is completed using the proper material for the job. Booking early ensures your springtime maintenance can be completed faster, giving you peace of mind and excellent curb appeal. Contact Concrete Craft of Northern Utah now to ensure a durable, long-lasting concrete crack repair.

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