Stained Concrete

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How can we help take your concrete spaces to the next level?

Rich Colors that Stay True Over Time

Stained concrete has long been popular in the commercial industry due to its proven durability and versatility. Because of this and its ability to beautifully add depth to a room, the concrete stain has found its way into residential design trends. With the option to use concrete acid stain or water based stain, the results our Concrete Craft designers can achieve are almost limitless.

Stained Concrete Patios

Staining a patio allows you to upgrade its overall look and feel, not to mention, it gives you an endless range of color and design possibilities to match your personal preferences.

Stained Concrete Driveways

Protect your driveway’s surface with a driveway stain that will enhance its aesthetic and curb appeal, and improve its overall durability and performance.

Stained Concrete Walkways

Whether you’re looking to renovate your current walkway or add a new concrete walkway to complement your home’s architecture and landscaping, stained concrete allows you to add character to your walkways, improve safety, and enhance curb appeal.

Stained Concrete Pool Decks

A swimming pool is a big selling point for any home, offering both form and function, but pool decks often are comprised of nothing more than gray slab concrete that is easy to slip on when wet. Improve your pool’s aesthetics and safety with a new stained concrete deck!

Stained Concrete Floors

Stained concrete offers show-stopping floor finishes such as vibrant stain colors with rich, long-lasting, fade-resistant color in variegated or marbled effects, layering colors for impact, and adding borders and stenciled designs in intricate patterns and artistic details.